~You were born an original, don't die a copy.~ Moanalani Ke`alohilani Roquette
BJ Penn
A wonderful man, great friend, loving father, dedicated husband,
true artist to his profession, and loyal to his fellow Hawaiians.
Aloha BJ and congrats on your baby,
Moana :)
Kanyen'keha Tewatati
This is a beautiful photograph with colours that show how wondrous the Native American people are in all the various tribes out there.
I am proud to be Hawaiian and Native American;
Mohawk and Seneca descent.
Aloha from Hawaii,
Moanalani :)
Native American
The culture and history that is perpetuated and preserved
through generations is so significant in all people.
Without it, we would cease to learn from each other and have no identity to ourselves and our children who are our future leaders.
Moana :)
Jagged Blurred Aloha Bokehs
My awesome friend who is a master at photography but more so at sharing the Aloha spirit.
I love her dearly,
Moanalani xo