Dedicated to..

Love is unconditional. Love is unmeasurable. It is wide and vast as the universe and as warm as a burning star that shines in the night.
Friendship never abandons nor forsakes. It finds you day and night.
When you combine the two, you are inseparable and can feel each other 24 hours a day. You feel the separation, the pain, the longing, the missing of each other's company, and the love for this is such a lonely world without it.

This is a website, just an internet, just flickr. But between two people who feel that much more, a true and loving relationship forms and feelings are formed, bonding and unconditional love is real. It is NOT a game.

May all who read this learn, that a quick glance at a photograph means NOTHING. Read the words that accompany the photograph.
View the photograph and feel it with true emotion. God gave you
5 senses, use them, embrace life and welcome all that come into your life with love, unconditional love and friendship.

Aloha, Roberto Tuareg.
I wish you all my unconditional love,
Moanalani Ke`alohilani Roquette
Friday, July 24, 2009
21:12 Hawaii Standard Time

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