My Beloved Mother Mona, This Mother's Day is in Remembrance of your Love and Light. Your Spirit and Love lives on through your Children...
Originally uploaded by THROUGH_HAWAIIAN_EYES
To have nothing, to be neglected and abused was the only life you knew. Your own children have grown up and shared the same abuse and neglect emotionally, though we were given everything materially. When you cannot love yourself, you do not know how to love others nor allow others to know and love you. You are not free to love nor fully express yourself and be all that you can be.
You left this world without wanting to see me. You forbade it for 3 years. By happenstance my brother walked into my hospital room just to find you in the hospital 3 doors down. You would have died never saying, "Goodbye" to me. You grew up in abuse and married into abuse. Your children learned what abandonment and abuse meant emotionally and verbally. We could have taken you away from all of that and cared for you but you decided to remain in that marriage.
This is a very difficult Mother's Day. God intervened and I was able to say, "I love you Mother, and Goodbye" before you died on April 25, 2010 at 8:06 p.m. at home. I will never forget the times I can remember that we shared as mother and daughter. These times of love and bonding came when you were free and not under the duress of my father, your husband.
I will never leave you nor will I ever forget you. Come to me in my dreams mother for I will be there and we will be free to fly away and be safe forever.
I love you and Happy Mother's Day.
Your daughter who would have died for you in a heart beat,
Moana ;) xo
"In This Life" - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Such a sad story but yet such a wonderful person you must be to look beyond and above for strength...Stephen
Dear Moana, a very touching declaration of Love for your dear Mother on Mother's Day.. Her Beautiful Soul and Her Kindness shines through you! Listening to the wonderful song while reading this makes it so impossible not to cry.... TC, Aloha
Moana...I made a comment yesterday but I don't think it took. As a true friend even if only from Flickrland I wanted you to know your story of your mom must have been hard to pen but I applaud you for publishing it. It will help with the grieving process...Stephen
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